The strawberry: with its distinctive aroma, its bright red color, and its lush juiciness, is there any other fruit that immediately reminds us of summertime? According to a couple of recent studies, the answer is no. More than any other fruit, researchers say, strawberries are correlated with summer and warm weather: most people tend to associate strawberries with fond memories of summer, sunshine, picnics, and childhood in general. Now that we find ourselves well into summer and in the midst of the peak season for strawberries, we here at Bryant’s want to help you make another great summer memory, so we present to you our July Cocktail of the Month: our strawberry hurricane drink, the Forever Amber.

So where did the name of this drink come from? No doubt from Forever Amber, an immensely popular (not to mention racy and controversial) bodice-ripper written by Kathleen Winsor in 1944. That book, which was the best-selling novel of the 1940s despite being nearly 1000 pages long and banned in 14 states, describes, oftentimes in a rather frank manner, how its titular heroine Amber St. Clare seduces a succession of men to become the king of England’s mistress, all the while surviving the plague and the Great London Fire in Restoration England. It was shocking and salacious stuff at the time, to be sure. But what better moniker for a strawberry-flavored cocktail than that of the seductive, the promiscuous, the notorious Amber? And when better to enjoy it than now, the summertime? Here at Bryant’s we think every summer can be a summer of love.
Stop in between 5pm and 8pm Sunday through Thursday and be seduced by the Forever Amber for just $6 all month long. Or share one and fall in love.*
*Actual results may vary.
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