Before Bryant's was a cocktail lounge, it was opened as a beer bar. Story has it that Bryant Sharp opened Bryant's in 1938 in its current location as a beer hall. Sometime around 1941, he decided to give up beer and in order to serve only cocktails. In addition, he took out his jukebox and replaced it with a record player on which he only played only classical music. This was the birth of the first cocktail lounge in Milwaukee and, the story goes, the first cocktail lounge in Wisconsin. From here, Bryant's grew in to the swanky lounge it is today.
There are many stories that back up the timing of the establishment of Bryant's as a cocktail lounge. One of our purveyors who custom mixes some of our cocktail ingredients claims that we are their oldest customer, dating back to "around the 1930's". In addition, several people have told me their grandparents frequented Bryant's the cocktail lounge in the early 1940's. I am unsure of when Bryant's was remodeled in to a cushy lounge, but some old timers have told me they remember the swanky Bryant's in the mid 1940's.
We have two photos of Bryant's before it became a cocktail lounge. An educated guess dates these photos sometime in the late 30's or early 40's, probably during World War II. In the bottom photo, there is a recruiting poster on the wall that reads "Enlist Now!". Dating this photo in the late 30's or early 40's is also consistent with the stories of Bryant's being a beer bar between 1938-1941; three of the four years were during WWII. In addition, there is a posted notice in the lower photo from Wisconsin State Treasurer John Smith; an email to the current Wisconsin Treasurer's Office revealed that John Smith was in office from 1939 to 1947.

These photos also bring up a lot of questions. If anyone knew the old, old Bryant's and has any information, stories, or the like, please email us . Looking at these photos, I wonder:
- Who are the gentlemen in the photo? Someone told me that Bryant Sharp was one of the men with his feet up at the stove, but we don't know exactly which one is Bryant. Looking at the photos, it almost appears that Bryant is the bartender, which would also make sense.
- When exactly was this photo taken and why was it taken?
- Was this photo taken at 2:13 in the afternoon?
- What is the significance of the the wing above the door to the ladies room?
- Where was the old Bryant's bar? What was the configuration of the space?
These questions may never be answered, but it is definitely fun to speculate. One thing is for sure, Bryant Sharp had a vision that would lead to the establishment of one of the greatest cocktail lounges in America.